2024 July
FROGs 2024 release is now available with the following updates:
– update of all datasets available for the year 2023 (PERSIANN CDR, GPCP CDR, CHIRPS V2 …).
– new datasets are now included into the FROGs database:
- IMERG V07B : new version of IMERG
- GIRAFE : a new product created by CMSAF !
- PrISM : a regional product concerning Africa from SMOS measurements.
- GSMAP v8 : fresh from the oven
- MGP : a product based on multiple source precipitation fusion
- SM2RAIN ASCAT v2-1-2n : the new version of SM2RAIN
Thanks to the users, a bug have been fixed : problem on timestamp shifted by 12hours on IMERG v06, ARC2, TAMSAT, REGEN and ERA5.
Thanks to all users for their remarks and their patience for this release.
Now you can play with the data !
2023 April
New paper of extreme precipitation
Cristian Martinez-Villalobos and colleagues just added to a growing body of literature a new interesting piece using theoretical developments, CMIP-6 models and FROGS observations to show that the observed precipitation probability distribution can be used reduce the uncertainty in future changes in the frequency of daily precipitation extremes, an important, if any, component of the future perturbed water cycle. The article is available here : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-32372-3
2023 March 20th
FROGs is still growing in his data forest !
Most of datasets have been completed for 2021 and until end 2022 when possible.
The 2022 update apply to ARC2, CHIRP v1, CHIRPS v2, CPC, ERA5, GPCC FG v1.0, GSMAP-gauges NRT V6,
GSMAP-nogauges NRT V6, IMERG Early Uncal, IMERG Late Uncal, TAMSAT v3.0 and TAMSAT v3.1.
A bug has been fix on CoSch. Files have been reproduced for 2019 and 2020.
The database welcomed new products as:
- SM2RAIN-ASCAT (see https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-11-1583-2019)
- GPCC Full data daily version 2022 (https://opendata.dwd.de/climate_environment/GPCC/html/fulldata-daily_v2022_doi_download.html)
- and TAMSAT v3.1 that supersedes TAMSAT v3.0 (http://www.tamsat.org.uk/data/)
This latter will be update as long as alive.
2022 April 25th
The new product GPCP version 3.2 (released in February 2022) has been added to FROGS !
Available from 2000 to 2020.
2022 March 29th
HOAPS version 4.0 has been completed from 2015 to 2020.
2022 February 11th
Thanks to Jackson Tan from NASA for identifying an issue with a few missing days in our dataset GPCP in 2018. This has been fixed. And also pointing to us altered PERSIANN CDR inputs for summer 2017. The most recent PERSIANN CDR data stream has been acquired and processed and the issue is fixed too.
2021 September
New FROGS release !
We are pleased to announce the release of the version 1 for the FROGS database (https://doi.org/10.14768/06337394-73A9-407C-9997-0E380DAC5598).
All available products have been updated to 2020 or at their maximum time extension. In addition, the following improvement have been done:
– two new data sets have been added to the database : GPCC Full Data Daily version 2020 (http://dx.doi.org/10.5676/DWD_GPCC/FD_D_V2020_100) and the recent PERSIANN-CCS-CDR (released this year: https://doi.org/10.11572/P24W2F )
– metadata have been enriched in compliance to ACDD 1.3 and CF-1.8 conventions.
2021 July
All the datasets available have been extended until the end of 2020.
A formal release of a new version of the database will be performed in September with the addition of new dataset as well an update of the metadata information in the netcdf files.
2021 February
The new FROGS logo has arrived! Thanks to Thomas !
2020 April
A review paper on precipitation products in general has a nice Appendix with a detailed explanation of most of the main satellite data products that can be useful to understand the functionning of these algorithms:
Le Coz, C., & van de Giesen, N. (2020). Comparison of Rainfall Products over Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21(4), 553–596. https://doi.org/10.1175/jhm-d-18-0256.1
2020 April
The missing value of the GPCP_CDR unforced dataset has been homogeneized all through the datasets and in the netCDF attribute. Note that this does not impact the precipitation estimate. Prior to this negative values and NaN were used requiring some extra checks in some codes. Thanks to Margot bador for pointing this out to me !
2020 March Products timeline extended
The datasets extent has further been updated up to the end of 2018 or 2019 when available.
Up to 2019 GPCC first guess v1.0, CPC, CHIRPSv2, 3B42RT and PERSIANN-CDR
Up to 2018 CMORPH CRT
Up to 2017 TAPEER
2020 February New products on the server !
A new centennal renalysis has been released. It is the GSWP 3 product from the GEWEX / GLASS project. More info here
The ERA-5 reanalysis have been uploaded to the database.
A new satellite product from GEWEX is also released for 1998-2017. It is called GPCP IP for Integrated product and consists in 3B42v7 scaled at the monthly level onto GPCP. More info here
2019 December
The CHIRPSv2 and the CHIRP datasets from UCSB have been updated up to the year 2018 included. A better handling of the land/sea mask has been implemented as well. The full record available in FROGS has been reprocessed with this new land/sea mask.
2019 November
The PMM Science Team meeting took place in Indianapolis, USA the week of the 4th of november 2019. It was the opportunity to showcase the FROGS databse to the 140+ participants to the meeting. The poster triggered interesting and positive feedbacks about this initiative. Also note that two science presentations (beyond Dr Roca’s) were making use of the FROGS data: one from Dr Masunaga (Nagoya, Univ) on the representation of global extremes among the various products and a second presentation by Dr Vila (INPE Brasil) dedicated to the extreme precipitation over Brazil.
2019 October The IMERG v06 datasets have been added to the database.
2019 September. The datasets extent has been updated up to the end of 2018 when available.
2019 June 24. Margot Bador hightlighted the use of FROGS for analysis of extreme precipitation in her presentation during the International Meeting on Statistical Climatology (IMSC) in Toulouse France.